Assessment Details

Names like Unilever, Microsoft, Apple, and IBM,  are some examples of powerful product brands. These names immediately evoke a perception of quality and value. Essentially, personal branding is how you project your brand and its values to the world and ensure that your target audience knows who you are, what you stand for, and why it’s worth choosing you over your competitors.

The good news is that you already have a live personal brand based on the impression your stakeholders have of your experience, competence, and personality. The bad news is that if it is created by your unintentional acts it could lead to a faulty or different impression than the one you would want.

This Assessment has been designed to give you an indication of how are you doing in the area of knowing and conveying your own brand image. So if you are looking to improve your Brand You, take this assessment to kickstart your journey.

Remember, building a personal brand is not something that happens overnight, it takes planning and work to start seeing the results.


Why should you take this Assessment?

  • Understand how well you know and convey your brand
  • Identify your core values to enhance your brand
  • Learn how you can develop your own impactful presence and make a mark in your professional and personal life


Who can take this Assessment?

  • Professionals who struggle to identify their passion and identity
  • Individual Contributors or Managers who want to seem more impactful
  • Freshers who are looking to find job opportunities
  • Entrepreneurs who are trying to make a mark through their brand


Your Report Icon

Your Report gives you insights into your understanding of

  • How you view yourself
  • How others view you
  • The value you create
  • Your Unique Brand

It goes on to provide solutions based on your scores in each area and personalised recommendations for courses that will help you mitigate these gaps.

  • DURATION 20 Minute(s)
  • Academy Assessments
  • Topics Assessment
  • KEY LEARNING AREA Personal Brand and Influencing

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