
Course Details

There is a famous saying that it takes a village to raise a child. On the same lines it takes a village to support women to fly high and pursue their dreams. 

How can  the women in your  village play a big role in providing strength? What can women do to support other women.?  How can you in turn pay it back to the future generation?

This engaging discussion has three successful women leaders - Sonal Sharda, Sugandha Srikanteswaran and Swati Khandelwal  talk about how they have received tremendous support from the women in their life and what they did to achieve this? The moms and mothers-in-law were in the forefront to support these women in their career journey, exhibiting empathy and unconditional support. The leaders talk about little things one can do to ensure we build an ecosystem built on role models and not stereotypes.


Learning Outcomes:

  • Following your Passion and aim for great opportunities
  • Seeking help and support in your networks
  • Break the Stereotypes
  • Having an open communication
  • Role modelling for the next generation and build empathy


Why should you attend?

By attending this program you will learn about  strategies successful women leaders used to ensure they have the support and how they are paying it forward to the future generation:

  • You will learn to develop empathy
  • You will learn to be a role model - Raise your kids as good human beings
  • You will learn about your job, your stakeholders, your allies both at work and at home
  • You  will learn why it is essential to have open communication , and seek help when needed.
  • You will learn that is ok to not  be a superwoman
  • You will learn to break stereotypes and be the change you want to see


Know your Speakers:

Sonal Sharda - She is the Practice Lead, Executive Development, Leadership Domain, Amdocs. A seasoned Leadership and organizational development professional, she has over 20 years of diverse experience in Corporate and Armed forces, leading strategic initiatives in People, Capability, Change and Culture.

Sugandha S - She is the Managing Director, Digital Technology Services, India Operations at S & P Global. Her roles as Software Developer, Global manager for Engineering, Product manager , Global Executive positions to transform product delivery and intrapreneurial experience with setting up Center of Excellence has surfaced her many capabilities. She has a genuine interest in fostering Inclusion , and a sense of belonging in teams and organization.

Swati Khandelwal - She is the Head Of Human Resources at R1 RCM India. With an expertise in business partnership and a strong drive for results, she has proven success in identifying innovative, global and regional solutions to drive organizational effectiveness, talent strategies, compensation programs, performance management and HR operational excellence activities across sectors (Healthcare , Banking, Analytics, Telecom and IT).

Yashwani Mehra- Head of Business Development, We-Ace



" It takes the entire village to raise a good human being. Such a powerful statement. Enlisting help of key stakeholders and clear communication is important to move ahead and be successful. I could relate to all the points the speakers were talking about. I highly recommend women to enroll in this course"  - Nayana Pillai, Technical Architect

"My mother-in-law played a big role in supporting me, and I am in this position today because of her. It is just important that you share a open communication and be clear of your purpose. The support will flow in from everywhere. A brilliant conversation. A must watch." - Savita Rao, Admin. Manager


Who can attend?

If you are one who is interested in knowing how you can play a key role in getting support and supporting the women around you, then you should attend this program

Program Structure

This is a 60 minute conversation with  Sonal Sharda, Swati Khandelwal and Sugandha Srikanteswaran. The discussion focuses on how we can leverage the support of the women in our journey, and pay forward by raising an empathetic new generation.


Session Flow:

  • How can women support in fulfilling their daughter’s aspirations
  • How can you build a supportive community of men and women allies?
  • How can you give back to the future generation and build a culture of empathy?

Know Your Trainer

Get your certificate of completion

  • DURATION 60 Minute(s)
  • LEVEL Entry Level (0-2 years), Junior Level (2-7 years)
  • FORMAT Online Self Paced
  • Academy Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
  • Topics Women Development
  • KEY LEARNING AREA Women supporting women, Role model , Communication, Breaking stereotypes, Superwoman dilemma
  • BEST FOR Early Career Professionals, Senior Career Professionals, Returnee Women

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