
Course Details

This is a Full-day program for a batch size of 30 professionals.

Exceed program aims to equip, integrate and speed up the development of women commencing second phase in professional domain by focusing on reskilling, relevance and resilience in new world of management and leadership. It will help them to decide amongst the various choices available. Also, pave a path by using the support system to cope up with the transition back into work life. 

The second career program will help women lead with lasting impact and build strategic plans.

Participants will learn about:
1. Understanding the purpose to start the second milestone
2. Using the purpose and identity to derive motivation and overcome challenges
3. Building a network that they can leverage
4. Building resilience and understand how to manage and use your personal energy


For more information on pricing and registration, contact [email protected]

Program Structure

The program is a 8 hours instructor led virtual classroom spread across 2 classes of 4 hours each.

1. Personal Exploration Map: Work on the online journal with reflective questions around self belief, personal aspirations and desired goals
2. Gain in depth understanding and align the objectives of the program and organisation with your HR

Module 1

1. Context Setting - Define program objectives and understand participants' expectations
2. Experiential learning through reflective exercises/models to understand life of a returnee women
3. Life of a working mother - Understand workplace biases & factors that influence how a
returnee woman is at the workplace, also learn about challenges faced by returnee women
4. Biases and Stereotypes - Learn to push back and negate the stereotypes
5. Sharing of success stories of women leaders
6. Strengthen your Confidence - Learn how to build your confidence
7. Takeaways and conclusion

Module 2

1. Assimilating learnings of first Session - Recap and discussion around key takeaways
2. Discover your Personal Brand - Understand how perceptions play a role in creating and cultivating your own Brand
3. Network is the 'Net Worth' - The section will be conduced through reflective tool to map the networks and understand how to leverage personal brand to create strategic networks
4. Understand the importance of personal energy and how to manage it 
5. Create an action plan on story of your life
6. Conclusion

Get your certificate of completion

  • DURATION 8 Hour(s)
  • LEVEL Junior Level (2-7 years)
  • FORMAT Online Instructor Led
  • Academy Leadership & Management
  • Topics Empathy, Flexibility, Forward Thinking, Growth Mindset, Innovation, Motivation
  • KEY LEARNING AREA Career enablers, Career Management, Second Career, Returnee Woman
  • SKILLS Problem Solving, Motivation, Empowerment, Self-awareness, Self-motivation
  • BEST FOR Returnee Women Professionals

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