
Course Details

Women today are superstars balancing between the demands of family and profession. Many women find it difficult to maintain a healthy diet. They are always prone to neglect their own dietary needs, prioritising the needs of their family first. We all know that a balanced nutrition and a healthy diet can support our body in many ways. Whether you're looking to improve your energy and mood, combat stress, or boost immunity, what you fuel your body with can make an impact. However making special meals can be a big challenge! There are many times we feel we want to eat healthy but don’t have the time to cook nutritious food. Here is a workshop specially curated for you to take care of yourself and your family to stay healthy and boost immunity without having to cook any special meals


Learning Outcomes

  • You will learn to make the right choices in your diet
  • You will be able to have a  healthy diet to boost immunity
  • You will save time in food planning
  • You will learn to follow certain basic dietary rules that can do wonders to your health.
  • You will be able to ask questions that concern you.


Know your Trainer

Ms. Monica Malik 

  • She has taught Nutrition in premier colleges of Haryana as well as in Government Home Science College, Chandigarh.
  • Besides disseminating knowledge and at the same time being an ardent learner, Ms. Malik has organized and participated in various workshops, seminars and conferences both at national and international levels in the arenas of Foods and Nutrition.
  • She has presented various research papers related to diet, public health, lifestyle, and wellness at national and international podiums such as Argentina, Manchester, Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore to name a  few.
  • She has also carried out a project related to anaemia, a public health problem among peri urban children of Chandigarh which was funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DST).
  • She has also co-authored a book, 'Type 2 Diabetes: Quality of Life and Mode of Medication.
  • Ms. Malik has supervised more than 40 researches and has various papers and chapters published in nationally and internationally acclaimed journals and books.
  • She is currently practising as a nutritionist not only for weight loss but also for diseased conditions paving way for holistic healing.



“Many of my misconceptions were cleared “ Bani Makkar,Fashion Stylist

“She made meal planning and eating healthy very easy and quick”Kaza Luthra,Financial expert

“Now I can make healthy food for myself and my family even in less time “Preeti Gupta,Manager


Who can do this program?

professionals, corporates, Anyone working and looking to eat healthy 


Program Structure

 Session Flow

  • Introduction on important nutrients which we overlook
  • How to include all important nutrients
  • Examples of a quick, easy and balanced meal
  • Tips on meal planning
  • Q&A

Know Your Trainer

Get your certificate of completion

  • DURATION 57 Minute(s)
  • LEVEL Entry Level (0-2 years)
  • FORMAT Online Self Paced
  • Academy Wellness
  • Topics Physical Wellness
  • KEY LEARNING AREA Health, Nutrition, diet, lifestyle, Wellness

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