Having made it through the 3M cross-roads which are Marriage, Maternity & Mobility, the 'Shine' program addresses the fourth M – Motivation. The program explains the struggle of women in senior leadership roles. The journey gets lonelier due to lack of women role models around. Learn how can you make your mark and build a legacy as a woman leader who has it all!
The program builds on the individual strengths, whilst realigning the transition from a manager to being a leader by supporting you to navigate through organizational realities. It supports in building positive and resilient mindset to enable the right impact to aid your journey to the top. It further enables women leaders to build networks, sponsors at work.
The participants will build on the following:
1. Reflect on your journey, SWOT of what worked and what needs to be done differently as you head for CXO journey.
2. Leadership style analysis and organization culture analysis to identify gaps and plans.
3. Carrying and inspiring the team
4. Analysis of relationships and support
5. Gauging risks and returns from your career
6. Support from community - a deal maker
7. How do you become a role model for others?
The program is a 8 hour instructor-led virtual classroom, spread across 2 classes of 4 hours each.
The program will equip participants with:
1. A forward action plan to achieve their leadership goals
2. A heat map of strengths, support and challenges
3. Networking avenues.
4. A deep insight into a world of leadership which can be gender agnostic too.