
Course Details


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Have you ever wondered why after a certain age you tend to feel discomfort and stiffness in your joints while performing your day to day activities. Are your joints vulnerable to spraining easily? 

The good news is you can start to take care of it at any age!

Did you know one in four adults don't meet the global recommended levels of physical activity? That's unfortunate, considering that a sedentary lifestyle (any waking behaviour characterised by an energy expenditure less than 1.5 metabolic equivalents, while in a sitting, reclining, or lying posture) is linked to an "increased risk of adverse health outcomes, including weight gain and obesity, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and increased risk of all-cause mortality. 

Come learn the Natural Ways to Enhance the Overall Health of your body. 

  • Understand the importance our physical wellbeing
  • Learn Posture correction
  • Combat sedentary routine discomfort

Learning objectives:

  • You will learn to listen to your body and use some exercises to make it stronger
  • You will learn how low muscle mass leads to fracture and how diet and exercise can keep you healthy
  • You will learn about Joint laxity and exercises to keep it at bay
  • You will be able to build a stronger body with correct postures and exercise

Know your Trainer – Dr. Pratibha Gulati 

Dr. Pratibha Gulati is a Women's Health Physiotherapist, CAPPA (Childbirth and Postpartum Association) a International Organisation's Certified Childbirth Educator, Gold Lactation Education - Canada Certified Lactation & Post-Partum Consultant.


Pratibha has made me learn to keep myself more flexible“  - Rajni Sood, Manager

This Program helped me be aware of the causes of osteoporosis and how to care for it.” - Ekta jain, Small business owner

“It was a life saving workshop because it allowed me to become aware of my health and to take care of myself.” - Kusha Bhardwaj, Marketing manager

Who can attend?

This Program will help you immensely

  • If your work involves sitting on the desk most of the day,
  • If you have a sedentary lifestyle
  • If you feel guilty for not having the time to stay active

Program Structure


Session Flow

  • Introduction
  • Lifestyle and age related issues : Women aged 35 and above are more susceptible to health issues if ignored for a long time
  • Osteoporosis/ Osteoarthritis- As we  age we tend to develop weak bones and low bone- muscle mass. Healthy diet and exercises to keep it at bay
  • Back/ neck pain: Most individuals at some point in their life do experience Neck pain or LBA especially desk professionals Correct postures and physio mobilisation techniques
  • Post- menopausal age related joint laxity- Menopausal and Postmenopausal women often face joint laxity due to hormonal upheaval in the body
  • QnA

Know Your Trainer

Get your certificate of completion

  • DURATION 60 Minute(s)
  • LEVEL Entry Level (0-2 years), Junior Level (2-7 years)
  • FORMAT Online Self Paced
  • Academy Wellness
  • Topics Physical Wellness
  • KEY LEARNING AREA Learn about Osteoporosis, Work on building a healthy painfree lifestyle
  • BEST FOR Working Women, Women of all ages

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